What is Plasma Bio Filler?

When it comes to injectable rejuvenation treatments, there are many options available with hyaluronic acid gel fillers and biostimulators such as Sculptra. But what if you want a more natural filler? That's where Evangeline comes in, aka Plasma Bio Filler.

When it comes to injectable rejuvenation treatments, there are many options available with hyaluronic acid gel fillers and biostimulators such as Sculptra. But what if you want a more natural filler? That’s where Evangeline comes in, aka Plasma Bio Filler. Read on to learn more about this treatment.

What is Evangeline?

Evangeline is the latest and greatest in cosmetic injectables. Approved by Health Canada, it combines the power of Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP) regenerative effects with the instant satisfaction of fillers. This leaves you with the volume replacement you need now, and lasting results that develop over the following weeks and months as you experience collagen regeneration in the treated area.

How is it different from regular PRP injections?

While traditional PRP injections solely utilize the regenerative properties within your blood, Evangeline takes the process a step further. By spinning the blood at a lower speed, the Platelet-Rich-Fibrin-Matrix (PRFM) is extracted with greater concentration. This higher concentration makes Evangeline more potent and effective compared to standard PRP treatments.

How does it work?

Evangeline’s process begins by drawing a small amount of blood from the patient. The blood is then processed to create the PRFM, which is injected into the targeted areas. Once injected, the PRFM transforms into a moldable gel that can fill fine lines, wrinkles, and areas with sagging or laxity. Over time, the regenerative properties initiate the release of growth factors and boost collagen production, facilitating the body’s natural healing process.

Who is a candidate?

Evangeline is a safe, natural, and effective treatment suitable for individuals seeking non-surgical enhancements. It’s beneficial for those experiencing:

  • Loss of volume in the face, neck, chest, or other body areas
  • Aging, sagging skin
  • Loss of elasticity or collagen
  • Scarring, including acne scars and keloids
  • Stretchmarks and fine lines
  • Hair loss and volume loss
  • Uneven skin tone and texture

What are the Results?

Patients can expect instant results that continue to improve over time. Fine lines and wrinkles diminish, and the skin appears plump and firmer. The treatment also improves skin glow, hydration, texture, and tone, offering a comprehensive rejuvenation experience.

What areas can you treat?

Evangeline can be injected into various areas, including:

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Hands
  • Knees

Evangeline’s versatility has made it a growing preference over traditional PRP injections. Whether you’re looking to enhance facial features, or rejuvenate your skin, this injectable offers remarkable results.

Consultations are ALWAYS complimentary!

Every treatment starts with a consultation where we will discuss your concerns and goals, and provide a comprehensive analysis and treatment options.
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