It’s that time of year again! Time to reflect on the past year and set some new goals for the coming one. Like most people, you probably have some New Year’s resolutions you’d like to stick to, But let’s be honest: most of us will ditch our plans to hit the gym every day or finally start that diet by February.

But one resolution is easy to keep and good for you, too: taking better care of your skin. Taking care of your skin is essential for your overall health and well-being. It’s something that we should all be paying attention to. So whether you want to get serious about anti-aging, want to up your everyday beauty game, or if you’re looking to refresh your skincare routine in 2023, Set yourself up for Skincare success.

Here are a few ideas to get you started.


Your skincare routine is so essential for keeping your skin healthy and happy. Invest in medical grade high quality products and take the time to care for your skin.

If your skin is not responding, it might be your skincare products. Not all skincare products are created equal. Many over-the-counter products include cheaper diluted ingredients and fillers that do not get deep into the dermal layers and create cell turnover and repair.

ZO Skin Health is different. Created by world renowned dermatologist Dr. Zein Obagi, this medical grade line with technologically advanced ingredients and proven formulations repairs your skin. These products provide skin rejuvenation, extra protection with antioxidants from the environment, and relief from a range of skin problems and conditions including but not limited to Acne, Rosacea and Melasma.

Check out our Skincare Products by clicking HERE.

Part of taking care of your skin is visiting your skin care professional at least once a month or at the change of the season if monthly is not an option.

You should also start getting regular facials with A Medical Aesthetician to help clear clogged pores (leave the zit popping to the professionals, please!) and improve your overall complexion. Plus, they feel nice and are a great way to have some “me time” and practice self-care.

You should start getting regular facials with an aesthetician to help clear clogged pores (leave the zit popping to the professionals, please!) and improve your overall complexion. Plus, they feel nice and are a great way to practice self-care.

As we get older, the turnover of skin cells slows down, making our skin look sluggish. To combat this, you should exfoliate twice weekly, but you may also need a little more help. A monthly facial will be more effective in sloughing off old, dead skin cells, leaving you with brighter, more youthful-looking skin.


You may also notice that despite leading an active and healthy life, your face is starting to show signs of aging. To combat this, you need to improve its elasticity and produce more collagen. Regular Microneedling such as Skin Pen or Morpheus8 treatments stimulate new collagen production and elastin growth, tightening skin and giving it a youthful glow.


Set goals to enhance the health of your skin with our KOZA VIP Membership. Contact our clinic for more information and let us set a skincare routine that is right for you!

Consultations are ALWAYS complimentary!

Every treatment starts with a consultation where we will discuss your concerns and goals, and provide a comprehensive analysis and treatment options.
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